Sunday, February 10, 2013

Nothing Good Comes From Anger

There have only really been a few times when I feel so compelled to read a section of the Bible. I mean, REALLY needing to read only 1 chapter over and over again. This past week, it has been Colossians 3. I want to share with you how I knew I needed to read it:

1. A friend of ours send a text with Colossians 3:23
2. I was upset and feeling myself getting angry so I looked up some Bible Verses. The one that first came up was Colossians 3:
3. My devotion was on Colossians Chapter 3
4. Another friend of mine quoted Colossians Chapter 3

And this was all just in 1 day!! I share this with you because many of us do not think God speaks to us. Or you might believe it but think that He has never spoken to you. What I have found through this past week was that I was sinking and God knew just what I needed - this particular Chapter. He saw my heart hardening and the anger building and instantly He sent people and things to lead me to His word, but even more specifically to this chapter.

Anger is something that sneaks up on all of us. It is a scary thing that makes us do things we regret. It usually arises out of hurt. When people hurt us, we tend to get angry and then we say and do things out of both of those emotions. I can honestly tell you that not a whole lot of good comes from anger. What does usually come from anger is resentment. This makes it harder to forgive and time usually does not heal all wounds but only makes them deeper.

God calls us to love. He calls us to love him and our neighbors just as we love ourselves. This is no small task. Love does not come naturally for many of us. It might to people who look like you or who believe the same things you do. Or maybe it is harder for you to love your family because you are "supposed to" but there is hurt and pain that has been there for years that you are not willing to give up.

So if nothing good comes from anger, but yet it is so easy to express and love is hard....then why does God expect so much from us? Because he knows what is best for us. We become miserable walking around with anger inside of us. Think about a time where you felt the most good did that feel? God wants all of his children to experience that. But it starts with us...not just waiting on others to do it.

What is stopping you from loving today?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Open My Eyes

Homeless man with the sign...

Lady walking with oxygen...

Soldiers wounded protecting me...

Many times we go through life and we just fly by. For me, I feel that this time of the year I do this more than any other time. I know that miss a lot going on but it has hit like me a brick wall today.

I was driving to lead a Bible Study at GAP Ministries several weeks ago. For those of you that do not know what this is, it is a wonderful ministry that provides both spiritual and physical needs for the poor. As I was trying to "get in my Bible Study mood" (you know...the one that isn't frazzled, just yelled at a client, just got into an argument with husband, flustered, agitated - put my happy face that I have it all together look) when I saw a homeless man holding a sign that said "Will Work for Food".

And I instantly turned my head and pretended like I did not see him. Then of course the light turned red and I was stuck at the light. I have heard this happen to so many people but honestly this is the first time it has happened to me in years.'s the first time it has happened since the majority of my day is dedicated to helping people in his situation. As I was having this mix of emotion, the light turned green and I breathed a sigh of relief. But this man has not left my mind. The song "Twenty-First time keeps replaying in my mind - "but what if he's Jesus and I walk away. I say I'm the body and drink of the wine but I pretend not to see him for the twenty-first time".

Then I couldn't help but remember what we are studying in our small group. We have been looking at the Not A Fan book and what has stood out to me is the scripture about Jesus calling people to follow him. One section of verses really hit me. "This man says to Jesus, 'I will follow you wherever you go.' (Luke 9:57) Jesus says, 'Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.'" (Luke 9:58). How committed am I? Would I rather be homeless and have Jesus or have a home and not have Jesus? This man said he was ready to follow Jesus but after Jesus pretty much tells him that following him is not going to be easy, the man turns away.

I have always taken the easy way  out when has come to Jesus. Making only the "right"decisions when I wanted to or when it was convenient for me. To truly follow means to sacrifice, to put my relationship with him above EVERYTHING else, to pick up the cross daily and follow him.

It is not an easy journey, but doesn't he deserve it? Open my eyes, my heart, and my mind. Let every day be spent in love with Him and striving to know Him more, and BE LIKE HIM. May I not ever be too busy and miss it.