Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas 3 - Family

A lot of the stress that comes around the holidays revolves around families. This is the time of year that we put all different kinds of personalities into one house for hours and expect everyone to be happy. Or better yet, we have to work around everyone's crazy schedules to even set a time to all get together. For many, this is a time when anxiety creeps in with just the thought of holidays.

I understand this completely. We are blessed to have both sides of our families here in Augusta. And for all of Matt's family (he has 2 older brothers), everyone including the sister-in-laws have all of their family in town. makes things a little complicated getting together. Now, mine and Matt's work schedules do not help with the entire mix!! It is always crazy trying to figure out when we will meet, would works with everyone's schedules, and trying not to hurt anyone's feelings.

For others you are coordinating which set of parents should come into town. If you invited her parents for Thanksgiving then you should only invite his for Christmas. Or if we invite both then will they complain because they are getting to spend quality time with the grandchildren. Sound familiar yet?

Or maybe you just want to spend Christmas alone because it is easier. The pain is easier to deal with.

We do all this for what? To rush through the dinner and opening gifts before running to our next destination? To put on a happy face and pretend we are all one big happy family that gets along only this one day? For each family it is different but this is how it tends to feel.

Was this feeling so different many years ago. I am sure there was family drama going on. You could only imagine what Mary and Joseph's parents were thinking. They weren't even married yet and having to deal with the criticizing and not feeling as if they were living up to their parent's expectations. The stress that they had to be feeling at that time. Joseph not knowing how he would provide for his wife and child for that night. Mary scared to death!

So you see, the first Christmas wasn't without stress and anxiety. But the birth of the Baby Jesus brought immediate Peace. Peace that we now have. None of those that were there that day were perfect, except for the baby.

We don't need to pretend that we have it all together (I am not suggesting WWIII on Christmas day either!!). We need to stop trying to please everyone and worry about pleasing the One that matters.

Join with me in starting to pray now (because if you are like me, then it takes a few days for God to work on my heart!) that God will remind us that He gave us our families, just like He gave Jesus both Mary and Joseph. Pray that He will take away the worry and anxiety and past feelings for certain family members. Let this Christmas be the first one that is solely about the One that has given you new life. Don't let bitterness and an unforgiving heart overshadow Christ this Christmas.

Well...I better start praying now :) Lots of heart changing to do!!!


  1. Jon told me to read this! :) and I completely know the happens all the time with my family.... thank you for this...sometimes we need reminding of our Jesus Christ and it is ALL about him. (Yes I do have a Blog :))

  2. Wonderful perspective thanks for sharing.
