Saturday, February 25, 2012

After the Storm

Trusting God is easier said than done. Isn't it easier to say we completely trust Him when things are going our way? In the last month, things have changed dramatically in our home. Some are good and others are still up for interpretation!

I mentioned in my previous post about God now has me in place that I am uncomfortable. When I look back at journal entries and things I can see that in these times that I am uncomfortable I tend to cling to Him (which is probably the reason why I keep finding myself in these situations - why don't I cling ALL the time??) Why is it I only cling to Him during the storms??

Church and I now have a love/hate relationship. I am overjoyed with the changes that are occurring with my sweet family but I am grieving the loss of 26 years in another church. How do you move past this? Why do I still feel this way? Why can't I just see all the of the good and move on? I asked God for conformation that this was where my family was supposed to be and He has given me MORE THAN PLENTY of them. Why am I being so selfish? I am being fed spiritually move than I have ever been before but why do I feel so uneasy? Why do I have a guard up when I enter this new church? Why do I think they can't provide me what I had at the last church? I feel like I am swirling around!!

We had a pretty bad storm here yesterday. I was out to lunch with my favorite lunch date, Ashley (my staff lovingly calls it Margarita lunch because it is just as therapeutic as drinking margaritas). As we were sitting there, this huge storm came. There was large amounts of rain, then hail, and the power went out. It was pretty scary. We couldn't see out the window because of all of the water. I have a similar feeling right now. That I can't see where I am going and it is scary!

But isn't that what it is all about? Living by FAITH and not by SIGHT?? Dying to my old SELFISH self and being reborn NEW?

When storms come in our lives, Satan likes to help us dwell on the negative to the point that we can't even see all the good that is coming from it. Satan like to tell us that it is all about me and nothing else matters. Sweet Jesus, remind me daily that you are weathering the storm with me and all good things come to those who trust in you. Forgive me for being selfish and thank you for all that you have been doing in my family. Don't let me miss the rainbow after the storm!!!

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