Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend Fun

This weekend was a great weekend with my sweet little family. On Saturday, Elizabeth and I went with my mother to Buy Buy Baby to pick up some new books. She actually picked out her books which was the cutest thing yet. Lately she has been into ladybugs. Every time we read a book, she manages to find the tiniest lady bug possible. So..of course I helped her find the 10 Ladybugs bug. She LOVED it. Then she found a book about Trains (which she knows says choo choo and does the hand motions). She was SO EXCITED to have those 2 books. It kept her somewhat entertained throughout the rest of the shopping trip. We kept her busy by letting her push the cart through the store.

Then we went to Sam's to get her some dresses (FYI they have Carter's dresses for $5). She did not want to be held so she RAN aisle by aisle. We took my mom home and Elizabeth cried and cried. All of the sudden she stopped and I looked back and she was passed out!! I woke her up long enough to eat lunch and she was out again for a real nap.

Matt and I went next door so I get my hair cut and catch up with the neighbors. Not only did I get my hair done, but my nails and waxing too! It was a glorious day for me :) When Elizabeth woke up it was time for her first hair cut!!!! She did sooooo good (the Teddy Grahams also helped). She looks so grown now with her new hairdo!!! Here are pictures from the special milestone along with ones of her reading her new book:

1 comment:

  1. Does Elizabeth have the Ladybug Girl books? There are a whole series of them... My girls LOVE them. Ladybug girl at the beach is their favorite.
