Have you ever taken the time to write out what you do in a day? Your schedule, your routine...your priorities. Where was God in all of this? Some days my quiet time does consist more of simply "trying" to read the Bible but let's be honest, most of us desire more time with God but how many of us are making the effort to move Him up on our priority list?
We tend to make excuses, don't we? Well...in this season of my life, I just don't have the time. God will understand. Maybe when my child can sleep through the night. Maybe when the kids are a little older. Maybe when my husband's work schedule isn't so crazy. Maybe when work slows down some. Maybe when I am not so stressed over finances. Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe. What if God did that to us? What if He told us He was too busy?
Ann Voscamp said it so perfectly in her blog called A Holy Experience (I highly recommend subscribing to her blog).
WOW!!! How true is this? I must love something else more than God if I am not praying and spending time with Him. Did that hurt when you read that? I hit me straight to the heart. Looking back at my schedule - what does it say about what I love??“True, whole prayer is nothing but love,” offered St. Augustine. Is the only reason we don’t really pray is because we really don’t love? If one’s not praying regularly, it’s only because something else is regularly loved more than God.
When you look at your day, what does it show you really love????
Thank you Lord for always listening to my excuses but still welcoming me back with open arms. Thank you for not keeping track and holding against me the times that you have not been my top priority. Forgive me for loving other things more than you.
One way I have made time for worship in my day is to listen and sing with the Christian radio station in the car. I pray in it too.