Sunday, October 7, 2012

In every part of my life??

Many people ask "How do you know that it is God talking to you?". Here is the greatest way that I describe how He talks to me:

In the past few weeks I have heard the same things said in a book I am reading, during a sermon, and then in my devotions - is God allowed in every part of your life or just some? Is He only allowed in when you need Him or can He come anytime? What room of your house is He allowed in? Just under the kitchen table? Just when you need Him to heal a friend? God wants ALL.

After I finally realized He was talking to me, I took offense! What do you mean, I have not let you into everything? YES I HAVE  (insert 2 year old temper tantrum)!!!! Then it hit me like huge truck - I only let Him in when it is convenient for me. I only let Him into the "pretty" parts of my life. It's like I try and cover up the bad even though He sees everything. Why is it we cover up the things that we probably need His guidance more on the ugly things than the other pretty/put together things? What is there to hide? That we are unworthy? We are unworthy no matter how nice and neat and perfect everything is. There is nothing that can win His why do we hide?

With all the chaos and craziness in my life I was forced to sit back and look into my life. What was I keeping from God? To be honest.... a lot. I also realized that this was why things felt so out of control. They were out of control because I took the control away from God. I pretty much told Him I knew how to do everything the right way. This reminds me of Elizabeth when she starts to put her shoes on and says "I got it" or "I do it myself, Mommy". I know that she is going to have a hard time getting them on because they have buckles and not velcro. But I let her do it because I want her to ask for my help. I watch her struggle and fuss and I ask her if she wants Mommy to help her and if you have had a 2 year old, of course her answer is "NO!". Then minutes go by and after she is exhausted from trying and crying so she finally asks for my help. All this time, I am thinking to myself "if you would have just asked for my help, I could have saved you all of the tears and frustration". Isn't this what God is telling us?? Isn't He saying "If you would just give it all to me I could save you many tears and frustration". This is not saying things will be perfect but I can guarantee I have undergone plenty of unnecessary stress and chaos simply because i was not willing to give those areas to Him. Why do we have to learn it on our own first?

Today I am giving up my inner 2 year old - the one trying to do it myself all of the time. Join with me in making a conscious effort to give EVERYTHING to God, not just the "neat stuff" but the unorganized, chaotic, and messy areas.

Our Children...God's Children

If you are a parent or have been around young children you realize immediately that you are being watched ALL OF THE TIME. They mimic everything you do from your manerisms, to your words, even how you say things!! They learn from us as adults. They learn from the people around them. They learn from their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, teachers, etc.

So what are we teaching our children?

I was extrememly blessed to grow up with amazing parents who love the Lord. The main thing I want to pass along, not only to my child, but to every child that come in contact with, is that Jesus Loves Them More Than They Will Ever Know and He Wants a Relationship With Them. More importantly, my parents did not just talk about their beliefs and their faith, they lived it out in front of me. They didn't just talk about caring for the least of these, they did it. They didn't just talk about forgiving others, they did it over and over again even when I felt the person didn't deserve it. You see....that's how I know what Christ expects of me. Yes...Sunday School and Church helped me learn Bible verses and other key things but it was the actions of my parents that I learned the most from.

If my child could write down or say right now what her mother believes in or who I am all about, I am not sure what she would say. Would she say "Mommy loves her diet coke" or "Mommy likes to go on runs" or "Mommy's too busy" or _______ fill in the blank. Even though Elizabeth is only 2, she is watching everything. Funny story - when we are out to dinner and the waiter/waitress asks what we want to drink, Elizabeth always says "I want a Diet Coke". Now, she has only had 1 sip of Diet Coke about 1 year ago. She does not drink it and honestly probably doesn't even know if it tastes good. She has learned that this is what Mommy asks for and she sees me drink it. What else is she seeing??

God has entrusted all of us with His children. This is a HUGE undertaking and it is going to take an entire community of believers to raise a child. We as mothers need to support each other. We need to encourage each other that it is not going to always be rainbows and butterflies. We need to stop TALKING about how worried we are about the next generation and start DOING something about it!